Supportive Community
Our families and the community play an essential role in its success. Dedicated partnerships, parent and community volunteers, and an active PTA help provide unique learning experiences, additional classroom support, and create a comfortable small-town feel.
We are deeply committed to building strong personal relationships with every child and parent to help all students grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
Centerville Elementary is a school focused on positive behavior, with students who can readily tell you that Cougar Pride consists of growing in respect, responsibility, right choices and readiness.
572 Students
Centerville Elementary has 572 students enrolled in kindergarten through fifth grade.
High Open Enrollment Rate
Over 1,000 students open enroll in the district annually.
Since 1854
We have been serving the community since 1854. The current building was built in 1959 with a new addition constructed in 2022.
Our welcoming environment ensures all students feel safe, respected, comfortable being themselves and share a sense of belonging.
We focus on student-centered, high-impact instruction with challenging activities to engage learners and meet their individual needs.
News & Announcements
Congratulations to the Centennial Middle School speech team who placed second in the Eden Prairie Finals. The students earned outstanding placements in each category.
Local legislators, city and county leaders, staff, and student representatives attended the district's legislative breakfast, hosted by the Centennial School Board.
Sign up your child, ages 3-5, for Centennial High School's FREE Cougar Cubs Playschool. Activities are planned and implemented by Centennial High School Child Psychology II students, under the supervision of their teacher.
Check out the Community Education offerings. There's something for everyone! Registration is now open.
Spotlight is on Tyler Cook, North Metro TV's Student of the Month. Catch the interview with Tyler and Coach Diggins.