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Middle School speech team takes 2nd place

Centennial Middle School Speech Contest Results

Congratulations to the Centennial Middle School speech team who placed second in the Eden Prairie Finals. The students earned outstanding placements in each category.

Team members and awards: Pranesh Nithyanandam (7), Alice Cutts (8)—Drama, 3rd, Olivia Picha (8)—Creative Expression, 4th, Carson Hooper (8), Lucy Johnson (8), Olivia Her (7), Samantha St. Germain (7), Elena Larson (6)—Storytelling, 2nd,  Brynn Partyka (7)—Drama, 4th, Jack Conley (6), Nora Beeson (7)—Serious Poetry, 2nd, Cass Locke (7), Ella Howard (8)—Humorous Poetry, 1st, Marion Howard (6)—Humorous Prose, 1st,  Alina Yurchak (7), Bailey Weizenegger (8), Maya Davies (8)—Serious Poetry, 4th, Lucy Palm (6)—Serious Poetry, 1st, Varshini Kumar (7)—Great Speeches, 1st, Sloane Howell (8), Olivia Olson (8), Bryn Donaldson (8)—Storytelling, 3rd, Charlotte McManus (8)—Drama, 1st, Jocelyn Johnson (8)—Creative Expression, 1st.

A special thank you to the Centennial High School speech team student coaches for their commitment: Riley Eckman (12), Addie Cramer (10), Piper Mortenson (10), Sidney Benson (10), Caleb Bordewyk (12), Maddi Rude (9), Rebeccah Dougherty (12), Carter Day (12), Aurelia Walker (9), Hannah Hudzinski (11), Kell Lewen (11). A shout out to the Middle School speech team captains: Sloane Howell and Charlotte McManus.